Jaye Clissold

Jaye Clissold

A creative full stack developer with a love of coding, cooking and the occasional bike race.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
33 years old
Sydney, Nsw, Australia
9 years
403/ 35A Ar ncl i f f eSt r eet ,Wol l iCr eek|-|j aye@cl ar us comput er s . com. au|www. cl ar us comput er s . com. au JAYECL I SSOL D WebDevel oper Ihavebeenwor ki ngi nt heI Ti ndus t r yf ort hepas tei ghtyear s wor ki ngonbot hs i mpl eandcompl expr oj ect st hathavel as t ed anywher ef r om af ew dayst oaf ew mont hs .Ihaveapr ovenabi l i t y t opr ovi det r ai ni ngands uppor tt ocl i ent sandt eam member swhi l e Aboutme pr ovi di ngeas yt ounder s t andi ns t r uct i onsandexpl anat i ons . Exper i ence Seni orWebDevel oper Fai r f axMedi a ( 2010-June2015) Owner WebDes i gner Cl ar usComput er s 2Cr eat i veMedi a ( June2015-Pr es ent ) -) 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015 Cont r act or NSW Depar t mentofFi nance ( Feb2017-Pr es ent ) 2016 2017 Res pons i bi l i t i esi ncl uded: Res pons i bi l i t i esi ncl uded: Res pons i bi l i t i esi ncl ude: Res pons i bi l i t i esi ncl ude: •Devel opi ngwebs i t esf orcl i ent s •Des i gni nganddevel opi ngcompl exwebs i t es •Al las pect sofr unni ngabus i nes s •Des i gni nganddevel opi ngUIconcept s •Pr ovi di ngf acet of aceand •Mai nt ai ni ngandi mpr ovi ngcus t om CMS •Pr oj ectandt i memanagement •Cons umi ngext er nalAPI sandr ender i ng •Pr ovi det r ai ni ngt ocl i ent s •Des i gni nganddevel opi ng phonet r ai ni ng/ s uppor tt ocl i ent s •Pr ovi det echni calexper t i s edur i ng cl i entmeet i ngs •Devel opwebs i t et empl at esf orcl i ent s •Cr eat i nganddi s t r i but i ngHT MLnews l et t er s •Mai nt ai nands uppor ti nt er nals er ver Wor dpr es st hemes •Manageemai landwebs i t ehos t i ng •Wor ki ngwi t hcl i ent st ocr eat ea •Wor ki ngwi t handmanagi ng pl anf ort hei rwebs i t eorapp ext er naldevel oper s •Sal esandmar ket i ng t hem onamap •Ens ur i ngappmeet sacces s i bi l i t ys t andar ds •Us i ngBi t buckets er verass our cecont r ol •Ens ur i ngcompl exf r ontenddes i gns ar er es pons i ve T echSt ack Fr ontEnd HT ML / CSS,Javas cr i pt ,Jquer y Vuej s ,React ,Node. j s , Doj o,ESRIAPI ,Sas s , Boot s t r ap,Bul ma, Phot os hop,I nvi s i on Educat i on BackEnd PHP,Col df us i on,L ar avel , Wor dpr es s ,MySQL ,MSSQL APIDevel opment ,PHPUni t T ool s&Ski l l s Bi t bucket ,St akehol derManagement Pr oj ectManagement ,Agi l eMet hodol ogi es I nt er es t s Bachel orofI T ( I TManagement ) USQ ( i npr ogr es s ) Di pl omaofI T T AFENSW Page1of3 403/ 35A Ar ncl i f f eSt r eet ,Wol l iCr eek|-|j aye@cl ar us comput er s . com. au|www. cl ar us comput er s . com. au JAYECL I SSOL D WebDevel oper Pr oj ect sOver vi ew HuRD Far monl i neL i ves t ock T hi swasaHRs ys t em f oral ocalcompany.Ichos et ous et hePHPf r amewor k Far monl i neL i ves t ockwasanot herl ar gepr oj ectcompl et edatFai r f ax.I twas L ar avel ,Boot s t r apf ort hef r ontenddevel opmentandJquer yf ori nt er act i vi t y. des i gnedt obeadi r ect or yf ors heepandcat t l es t udst ol i s tt hei rani mal sand T hecompanyempl oyedbot hvi s ahol der sandAus t r al i anci t i z ens ,s odependi ng upcomi ngs al es .Agai nIwor kedast hef r ontenddevel operandpr oj ect ont het ypeofempl oyeest heywer e,di f f er enti nf or mat i onneededt obe managerf ort hepr oj ectwhi chwasbui l ti nCakePHPal s o.T hes i t epul l si nnews di s pl ayed.Ial s oi mpl ement edas i mpl eus err ol es ys t em wher eeachus erwas ar t i cl esf r om t her egi onalnews paper sus i nganAPI . gi venal evelofper mi s s i ont ovi ew cer t ai nar easoft hes ys t em.T hi swast hef l oor manager swer en’ tabl et os eet heHRnot esandhel pedpr ot ectdat ai nt egr i t y Gwydi rShi r eCounci l byens ur i ngpeopl ecoul dn’ tchangedat at heydi dn’ thaveper mi s s i ont ovi ew. Bi ngar ai sas mal lt owni nNSW wi t hi nt heGwydi rShi r e,andt heyappr oachedmeabout Oneoft hemai nf unct i onswast oenabl eeas yt i mes heetr ecor di ngs .T he r edoi ngt hei rt our i s m webs i t e.T het ownr el i esheavi l yoni t st our i s m,s oi twasi mpor t ant companyus ual l yhadbet ween400and500empl oyeesatonet i me,s oi twas t hatt henew Bi ngar awebs i t ebebot hr es pons i veandacces s i bl e.Wor ki ngcl os el ywi t h es s ent i alt hatt heyhaveaneas yt ous eandaccur at es ys t em t ol ogt he t he webs i t emanager ,Icameupwi t hades i gnt os howcas et het womos ti mpor t ant empl oyee’ shour sasevenas mal lmar gi nofer r oraddedupt oal otofmoney as pect soft hes i t e;t henewsandt heevent s .T hi swasanot hers i t ewher eIneededt o whens pr eadovert heent i r ecompany.I nf actwedi s cover edwhent es t i ngt he mi gr at econt entf r om anexi s t i ngs i t eacr os st ot henew f or mati nWor dpr es s . new s ys t em bycompar i ngi tt ot heol dt hatt heol ds ys t em hadbeenr ecor di ng Rapi dPl as t het i mesi ncor r ect l yr es ul t i ngi nt hecompanypayi ngt hei rempl oyeesmor e. T het i mes heetr ecor di ngmadeext ens i veus eofAJAXcal l ss ot hatdat acoul d Rapi dPl asar eanat i onalt ankmanuf act ur ert hathasdeal er sal lovert hecount r y.T hey beaddedwi t houthavi ngt or ef r es ht hepage. neededanew webs i t easpar tofadi gi t alpus ht ohel pt hei rdeal er ss el lmor eoft hei r pr oduct s ,s oi twases s ent i alt hatt hes i t ebef as tandr es pons i ve,andadaptt oany devi ce.Oneoft hef eat ur esoft hes i t ei saanaccor di ont hatIbui l tus i ngJquer yt o s howcas eal loft hecol ouropt i onsavai l abl ef ort het anks .T hi swayt hei rdeal er scoul d di r ectpeopl et ot hewebs i t eandgett hem t ovi ew t hecol our savai l abl ef ort hat pr oducts ot heycoul ds eei ft heyhadanyi ns t ock. Ear t agsWar ehous e I ’ vewor kedwi t hJanef r om Al l s t ockf orovers i xyear sandvar i ouswebs i t es ,s owheni tcamet i met oupgr adeherecommer ces i t esIhadadeepunder s t andi ngofwhats heneeded andwhatwoul dbebes tf orher .T het woecommer ces i t est hatIbui l tf orherar eear t ags . com. auandcat t l et ags . com. au.Wewor kedonear t ags . com. auf i r s t ,andIhadt odos ome r es ear chi nt owhatwoul dbet hebes topt i onf orwhatJanewant edt oachi eve.T hes i t es el l seart agst os heepandcat t l es t uds ,butnot woor der swoul dbet hes ames oeach pr oductneededt obeabl et obeeas i l ycus t omi s abl e.I nt heendIdevel opedas ol ut i onus i ngWor dpr es s ,Woocommer ce,Gr avi t yFor msandAdvancedCus t om Fi el ds . Eachpr oductcoul dhaveupt ot hr eel i nesofpr i nt i ngont wos i des ,wi t hpr i cesi ncr ement i ngwhenmypr i nt i ngwasadded.T oachi evet hedes i r edout comeIus edAdvancedCus t om Fi el dst odef i nepr i cepoi nt sf oreachpr oductont hebackend,andus edJquer yt obui l dadr opdownl i s tont hef r ontenddependi ngonwhats or tofpr i nt i ngwasal l owedf ort hat pr oduct .T heus erwoul dt hens el ectt hatt heywant ,f orexampl e,2L i nes1Si de,whi chwoul dt hendi s pl ayt hef or mf i el dsf oreachl i neofpr i nt i ngus i ngGr avi t yFor mscondi t i onal l ogi c. Oneoft hei s s uest hatneededt obeover comeatt hes t ar toft hepr oj ectwast hedat ami gr at i onf r om t heol dCMSi nt oWor dpr es s .T odot hi sIhadt ocr eat eaMYSQLs cr i ptt oexpor t t hepr oductdat ai ns uchawayasIcoul dt heni mpor ti ti nt oWor dpr es st os ui tWoocommer ce.Si ncemaki ngt hes wi t cht oWoocommer cef r om t heol dCMSt hecl i enthasi mpr oved t hei rs al esmont hovermont h,andnow aver ages$50000i ns al esf oreachs i t eeachmont h. Domai nRur al T hi swasal ar gepr oj ectt hatIwor kedonatFai r f ax,t aki ngs i xmont hsf r om conceptt ol aunch.I ti sacompani ons i t et oDomai n,des i gnedf orpr oper t i esoverf i veacr es .T hebackend wasdevel opedext er nal l yandIwor kedast hepr oj ectmanagerandf r ontenddevel operont hi spr oj ect .Iwasmyj obt oens ur et hedes i gncoul dbet r ans l at edt ot hebackendand t hatt hebackenddevel oper sunder s t oodt hedes i gn.Jquer ywasus edext ens i vel yt hr oughoutt hi ss i t e,andCakePHPwasus edt odevel opt hebackend.Af t ert hel aunchoft hes i t eI wasr equi r edt omakes omechangest ot hebackendonoccas i onwhent her ewass omet hi ngt hatneededt obedoneur gent l ywhenwecoul dn' twai tf ort heext er naldevel oper s .I hadt ol ear nabi tofCakePHPt odot hi s ,s oI ' ds ayIknow enought or eadwhatmos toft hecodedoesbutnotenought ocodeapr oj ectus i ngt hi sf r amewor k. Page2of3 403/ 35A Ar ncl i f f eSt r eet ,Wol l iCr eek|-|j aye@cl ar us comput er s . com. au|www. cl ar us comput er s . com. au JAYECL I SSOL D WebDevel oper Cl i entT es t i moni al s “ GWYDI RSHI RECOUNCI L . . .Jayewasi nf i ni t el ypat i entandcont act abl eandf ounda RAPI DPL AS . . .JayeatCl ar usComput er shasdoneagr eatj obofour ” s ol ut i ont oever yr eques t .Wewor kedasat eam t ogett he webs i t e.Hel i s t enst owhatyous aywi t houtj us tgoi ngahead bes tpos s i bl eout come.T hei ncr eas ei nt r af f i cs i ncel aunch wi t hhi sowni deasandhedoes n’ ts aynot oacr az yi dea andt heeas eofupdat i nghaspr ovent hatt hedeci s i ont o movet oar es pons i ves i t ewast her i ghtone. . . www. bi ngar a. com. au “ T HESERVI ESGROUP . . .Onet hi ngIl i kedwasJayewast her ewhenweneeded hi m byphoneoremai lhi sr es pons ewasal waysqui ck.I woul dr ecommendCl ar usComput er st opeopl ewhoneed orwantexcel l ents er vi ce. . . “ youcomeupwi t h,buts ays“l eavei twi t hmeandI ’ l ls eei fI canf i ndawayt omaket hatwor k”. . . www. r api dpl as . com. au FARRERHI GHSCHOOL Hewasver ypat i entwi t hus ,addr es s i ngourneedsandwe ar ever yhappywi t ht hef i nalr es ul t . . . www. t hes er vi es gr oup. com. au www. f ar r er . ns w. edu. au AL L ST OCK GERMANEHOUSE . . .Het akest het i met owor kt owar dsamut ual under s t andi ngoft hepr oj ectout comes ,pr ovi desan accur at ecos t i nganddel i ver sonever yas pecti n at i mel ymanner . . . www. al l s t ock. com. au ” . . .Jayewasver yhel pf uls ugges t i ngal t er nat i veappr oaches f orust ocons i der ,s owecoul dmakeani nf or meddeci s i on. ” . . .Jayedel i ver edt her eques t eddes i gn,i ncl udi nganumber ofcr eat i ves ugges t i onsandgr aphi cst hatpr ovi deda webs i t ewear ever ypl eas edt obes how cas i ngourbus i nes s . . . www. ger manehous e. com. au Page3of3
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