Jehan Jill R. Francisco

Jehan Jill R. Francisco

Virtual Assistant - Admin Support, e-Commerce and Social Media Manager
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
40 years old
Las Pinas, National Capital Region, Philippines
7 years
JEHAN JI LLR.FRANCI SCO Vi r t ualAs s i s t ant SKI LLS EMAI L& CAL ENDARMANAGEMENT , SOCI ALMEDI A MANAGEMENT , WORDPRESSMANAGEMENT ,DAT A ENT RY, I NT ERNETRESEARCH,GOOGL E DOCS/ SHEET ,BASI C ECOMMERCE, EXCEL L ENTCOMMAND OFENGL I SH EXPERI ENCE Admi nS uper vi s or |T r i 7S ol ut i onsI nc. Mar ch2016t opr es ent Admi nOf f i cer|T r i 7S ol ut i ons ,I nc. F eb2014–Mar2016 Admi nAs s i s t ant|T r i 7S ol ut i ons ,I nc. J ul 2013–F eb2014 -Wr i t i ngCor r es pondenceandI nt er nal Memo -Ans wer i ngEmai l s& Chati nqui r i esof Empl oyeesandS uppl i er s -Pr oces s i ngWor ki ngVi s as& Per mi t sf orF or ei gn Empl oyees -Pr oces s i ngandMoni t or i ngGov’ tPer mi t s andCompl i ance -F i l eCus t odi anf orCor por at eDocument s ( Har d& S of tCopy) -Pur chas i ngandI nvent or y -Hot el s ,Res t aur ant sandF l i ghtBooki ngsf or t heManagementandBus i nes sT r i ps EDUCATI ON Col l egeDegr ee|Mar ch2005 S tPaul Uni ver s i t y,Mani l a,PH Bachel orofS ci encei n Bus i nes sAdmi ni s t r at i onmaj ori nManagement VAOnl i neCour s e|May2020|VABoot camp OVERVI EW Wi t h 7year sofexper i ence i n Admi n Suppor tand havi ng compl et ed an i nt ens i ve Vi r t ualAs s i s t antCour s e, Ihave t he s ki l l sand pr of es s i onal t r ai ni ng t o as s i s tyou wi t h yourdai l y t as ks ot hatyou can maxi mi ze your t i me and pr oduct i vi t y. PERSONALI NFORMATI ON Ni ckname:Jehan Sex:Femal e Age:36 Bi r t hday:Jul y16,1983 Bi r t hpl ace:Laguna,Phi l i ppi nes Ci vi lSt at us :Mar r i ed Hei ght :5f t Wei ght :50kg Phys i calCondi t i on:Excel l ent
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