Kacie Gardner

Kacie Gardner

Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
26 years old
Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica
3 years
Resume Shawna-Kay Gardner 18 Foster Close Bowens Drive P.O St. Catherine Jamaica- Email:- Objectives: To offer a kind of professional service that will encourage innovations and aspire a greeter level of productivity in the organization. Education: Institute of Career Choice Bethel School of Nursing Jonathan Grant High School Old Harbour Primary Qualification: Five CXC Subject which include English Language Mathematics Biology Integrated Science ED PM Marketing Degree NCTVet Practical Nursing Certificate: - Range 1 2 3 3 3 W ork Experience: Reference: Digital7-4montAppointment settings) Canada Auto loan-8months (Telemarketing ) Health insurance -1year(live Transfer) xerox-1year (Telemarketing ) Available upon request
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