Mohamed Ihab Khalifa

Mohamed Ihab Khalifa

Researcher, Python Programmer, and Data Scientist
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27 years old
Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
2 years
M O H A M E D I HAB K H A L I FA Hardworking psychology graduate, Python programmer, and junior data scientist with a long record of academic success. Acquired a solid research experience and the necessary skills for devising research designs, data gathering, advanced statistical analyses, and academic writing. More recently, became well-versed in Python programming, data science and machine learning. I have a keen interest in human intelligence, artificial intelligence, and their intersection. CONTACT EDUCATION - MA STE R OF SCIE NCE : CLI NIC AL PSY C HOLOGY AND ME NT AL HE ALT H - SEP 2019 NOV 2020 Swansea University - Swansea, United Kingdom Sporting, Alexandria Graduated with Distinction (equivalent to 4.0 GPA) Distinctions in: Psychotherapy, Psychology of Health, Applied Behavioural Analysis, Neuropsychology, and Statistical and Research Methods SKILLS Dissertation: "Evidence of outcome interaction during Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Psychological Assessment Research Skills (quantitative and qualitative) Academic and Critical Writing Python Programming human diagnostic learning and the influence of schizotypy" (Distinction) BA CHE L OR OF SCIE NCE: PSYCH O L O G Y Eastern Mediterranean University - Northern Cyprus MAR 2015 JAN 2019 Graduated with 3.81 GPA Awarded the Eastern Mediterranean University 50% Data Analysis Scholarship Machine Learning Clinical psychology (A), Counseling psychology (A), Algorithmic Trading Psychopathology (A), Physiological psychology (A), SPSS Neuropsychology (A) INTERESTS HIG H SC HOOL DIP LOM A Cognitive Science Perception 4E Cognition Epistemology Psychopathology Philosophy of Mind Artificial Intelligence Data Science Machine Learning Data Analysis Deep Learning Programming Bayesian Brain Writing Taymour English School - Alexandria, Egypt Math/Science (graduated with 66%) SEP 2013 JUL 2014 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MAY 2023 JUL 2023 SUPERVISED MACHINE LEARNING: CLASSIFICATI ON IBM – Online Learned to develop, evaluate and optimize machine learning classification models for classifying categorical outcomes. Covered a wide variety of classification algorithms, including Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, and Decision Trees, as well as the essential error metrics for evaluating and understanding their performances. Covered, in addition, each of the ensemble methods, bagging, boosting, random forests, and stacking. Importantly, also, covered the essential approaches and techniques for model interpretation, including permutation feature importance, partial dependence plots, and developing surrogate models. Lastly, learned how to deal with imbalanced classes and extremely skewed datasets. JAN 2023 MAR 2023 SUPERVISED MACHINE LEARNING: REGRESSION IBM – Online Had a general introduction to the world of machine learning more generally, and regression more particularly. Learned to develop, evaluate and implement regression models as well as techniques to optimize them to derive the best model performances. The course covered everything from feature engineering and preprocessing (e.g., feature scaling, data splitting, recursive feature elimination) to model development and hyperparameter tuning (e.g., ridge, lasso, and elastic net regularization) to model optimization (e.g., grid search, gradient descent). Finished the course with High Honors. DEC 2022 JAN 2023 EXPLORATORY DAT A AN ALYSIS FOR M ACHINE LEARNING IBM – Online Covered the essential data analysis tasks required before building machine learning models. Learned how to approach and analyze data to derive insights and understand it better, and how to use these insights to guide the processes of engineering and preparing the data for subsequent model development. Also, learned the different types of statistics, frequentist and Bayesian statistics, and the hypothesis testing approach pertaining to both. AUG 2022 SEP 2022 DATA ANALYSIS WIT H PYTHON IBM – Online Learned how to employ Python’s powerful data analysis libraries to perform data analysis, with a heavy focus on data analysis for machine learning (e.g., feature standardization, dealing with categorical variables, etc.). Learned some basic statistical analyses, from simple regression analysis to analysis of variance testing. Also, learned how to develop regression models for tasks such as predictive pricing, covering linear regression and polynomial regression. Finally, covered some essential techniques for model parameter tuning and model optimization. AUG 2022 AUG 2022 PYTHON PROJECT FOR DAT A SCIENCE IBM – Online Completed a Python project covering essential data science tasks. The project involved web scraping stocks data for different companies and applying careful data analysis and visualizations to derive insights and form a narrative about their performances over the years. JUL 2022AUG 2022 PYTHON FOR D ATA SCIENCE, AI, & DEVELOPME NT IBM – Online Learned to employ essential Python libraries for data analysis and data science, such as Numpy, Pandas, and Beautiful Soup. Learned about how to collect, analyze and format data from databases, the different types of databases (e.g., SQL and NoSQL), web scraping, and interacting with APIs. JUL 2022 JUL 2022 DATA ANALYTICS ESSENTIALS IBM – Online Covered the fundamentals of data analytics and the different sub-specialities within the field, including data engineering, data analysis, data science, business analytics, and business intelligence analytics. Learned about the different data structures (e.g., SQL, NoSQL) and data formats (e.g., excel, json), and common data sources (e.g., databases, data warehouses, data marts, data pipelines), and had an overview of the data analysis process from data mining and collecting to data mining to data visualization. APR 2022 MAY 2022 DATA ANALYSIS USING PYTHON University of Pennsylvania – Online Learned how to use Python’s popular libraries for data analysis, including Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib, in order to generate insights out of complex datasets, uncover trends, and visualize the data. MAR 2022 APR 2022 INTRODUCTION TO P YTHON PROGRAM MING University of Pennsylvania – Online Learned everything from basic Python syntax to custom functions to Python data structures and how to utilize them to write fully functional Python programs, such as designing and implementing a simple online banking system (see projects below). MAR 2021 APR 2021 PYTHON DATA STRUCTURES University of Michigan – Online Learned how to use Python’s built-in data structures (lists, dictionaries, tuples, etc.) to write increasingly complex and advanced programs. In addition, learned to read and write simple files, data scraping, and text parsing. FEB 2021 MAR 2021 PROGRAMMING FOR EVERYBODY (GETTING STARTED WITH PYTHON) University of Michigan – Online Learned the basics of Python programming, covering the basic syntax, conditional statements, loops, variables, and user-defined functions. EXPERIENCE FR E E LAN CE AC AD E M I C M E N T OR NOV 2021 PRESENT Academic Minds - Online My role involves supporting university students with academic work in my field of study, editing and marking academic papers, and helping with statistics. C LI N I C AL PS YC HOL OG Y TR AI N E E El-Nozha Hospital - Alexandria, Egypt My experience involved shadowing professional psychologists, interacting with hospitalized patients, reviewing reports, and more generally, learning about various mental health conditions, their consequences on the victims’ lives, and the therapies most commonly used for treating each. PROJECTS I have completed multiple projects with Python, ranging from data analysis and machine learning to web scraping to bot development and algorithmic trading. I have included a sample of my projects below. To preview all of the projects I have completed, you can visit my GitHub profile and view my repositories ( T R AN S AC T IO N F R AU D D E T E C T IO N ( M AC H IN E L E AR N IN G F O R C L AS S IF IC AT IO N ) -Khalifa96_Transaction-Fraud-Detection D AT A AN A L Y SI S & M AC H IN E L E AR N IN G F O R P R E D IC T IV E P R IC IN G -Khalifa96_Data-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning M AC H IN E L E AR N IN G F O R P R E D IC T IV E P R I C IN G (P R E D IC T IN G H O U SE P R IC E S ) -Khalifa96_Machine-Learning-for-Predictive-Pricing F O R E X T R AD IN G B O T -Khalifa96/Forex-Trading-Bot W E B SC R AP IN G AN D AN A L Y Z IN G ST O C K S D A T A -Khalifa96_Web-Scraping-and-Analyzing-Stock-Data W E B SC R AP IN G P D F F IL E S U S IN G P Y T H O N -Khalifa96_Web-Scraping-PDF-Files S AL E S A N AL Y S IS -Khalifa96_Sales-Analysis B U SIN E S S D AT A AN AL Y SI S -Khalifa96_Business-Data-Analysis-with-Python JUL 2019 JUL 2019
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