SD Companies

SD Companies

SD Companies is specialized in R&D activities all about engineering and technology from TRL 1 to 9
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Available members:
Altamura, BA, Italy
5 years ago

SD Companies SRL is a startup based in Italy mainly specialized in R&D activities provided as service to develop new innovative products from the concept to the prototyping and more. We worked as sub-contractors for projects funded by Regional, Italian government, ESA and EU Commissions, all about R&D activities. The challenge to create new products, or manage engineering challenges is our main expertise.

This is the main list of our expertise:

  • mechatronics and integration for applications that use different technology like Thermography, Lidar sensors, Gesture Recognition, Sound Technologies, Voice Interactions, Advanced Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems, etc..
  • numerical simulations for CFD (OpenFoam, Fluent, COMSOL, etc..)
  • numerical simulations for structure analyses (ANSYS, COMSOL, etc..)
  • numerical simulations for layout optimization (SIMIO, Visual Components, etc..)
  • advanced mechanical design (CATIA, SolidWorks, Inventor, etc..) and prototyping
  • experimental software and customized development about Augmented Reality
  • experimental software and customized development about Virtual Reality
  • experimental software and customized development about Computer Vision and Image Processing
  • experimental software and customized development about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • experimental software and customized development about Robotics and IoT, designing and prototyping (electrical engines, sensor integrations, path evaluation, hardware provision, etc..)
  • experimental software and hardware development about Human Computer Interaction
  • statistical data analyses and scientific visualization
  • mathematical models and optimization algorithms
  • combination of the above listed topics
  • designing and manufacturing of special components including mechanical and electronic parts in many materials like plastics, wood and metals
  • supply of sensors in the field of automation and robotics
  • managing of international engineering complex projects where crossing expertise or know-how are required, starting from TRL 1 to 8
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