Ahmad Qayyum

Ahmad Qayyum

Full Stack developer and designer.I use React, Gatsby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, AWS Svcs
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Hourly ($/hour)
21 years old
Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
4 years

I am a Full Stack web developer and designer. I learned React, Gatsby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS for Front-end development and rely on Amazon Web Services to make them talk to user (for Back-end).

AWS services which are:

Cognito AUTH, Lambda functions, Dynamo DB, Graphql API, S3 Storage, AWS Hosting

More TechnTools are Netlify, Gatsby Cloud, Git, Surge, Amplify CLI, NPM

I consider having presence in the digital world is necessary for every person and business. I also consider Developers and Designers powerful and precious asset of humanity, a lot more worthy than gold mines and oil. So, I am one of the skilled person of humanity who learned state of the art technology and tools to help the world.

I am currently studying at Bahauddin Zakriya University, Multan pursuing the degree in Computer Engineering. I am learning and working Web Development since 2019. I started to program at the age of 12. Onward that I saw a magic in the hands that create live things by moving their fingers on 100 keys. It pushed me to learn this magic, I started exploring internet and met government initiated program PIAIC. Their I met those magicians who are the captain of this world. They taught me how to snail a boat on Bit and Byte. They taught me how to bring 0 and 1 to life.

Now, I am on my way to build my own Ship!

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