

graphic designer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
27 years old
Berlin, Brandenburg Metropolitan Region, Germany
3 years
PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Adress Email Na�onality Date of Birth Anastasia Anhelovska Metalis�v Str 1, 65006, Odessa, Ukraine-Ukrainian- WORK EXPERIENCE Dates (from-to) Name of employer Type of business or sector Occupa�on or posi�on held Main responsibili�es Dates (from-to) Name of employer Type of business or sector Occupa�on or posi�on held Main responsibili�es EDUCATION Dates (from-to) Name of organiza�on Occupa�onal skills covered Title of qualifica�on awarded VOLUNTEER WORK Dates (from-to) Name of employer Type of business or sector Occupa�on or posi�on held Main responsibili�es - - today Freelance Graphic design Graphic designer Crea�ng logos, branding iden��es, packaging design, brochures, presenta�ons, posters, infographics, illustra�ons 12/06/2016 - 12/09/2016 LPP, Poland Fashion brand company Junior graphic design intern Crea�ng and documen�ng prints for T-shirts, crea�ng mood boards for collec�ons 01/09/2013 - 01/06/2017 Lviv Na�onal Academy of Art Communica�on design, typography, photography, illustra�on, social poster, crea�ve thinking, Adobe suit programs, marke�ng, packaging, website design Bachelor Degree in graphic design 10/05/2017 - 16/05/2017 LWF, Namibia Lutheran World’s Assembly Stuard in a communica�on team Crea�ng graphics for social media, web and television broadcasts, crea�ng and adap�ng visual material for use in plenary discussions Dates (from-to) Name of employer Type of business or sector Occupa�on or posi�on held Main responsibili�es 16/06/2017 - 01/07/2017 LWF, Wi�enberg Fes�val dedicated to 500 years of Reforma�on Volunteer Help in running the art exhibi�on, leading thema�c prac�cal workshops about the social poster and important world issues.
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