Charlene Joi Eugenio

Charlene Joi Eugenio

Web developer, graphic design, blogging
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
28 years old
Aglipay, Quirino, Philippines
1 year
CHARLENEJOIEUGENI O P6, Nat i onalHi ghway, SanLeonar do, Agl i pay, Qui r i no char l enej oi eugeni o@gmai l . com - Obj ect i ves Towor khar di nanenvi r onmentwher eIcanst r engt henmyski l l s;t ol ear nnewski l l sandappl y t hem ef f i ci ent l ywi t ht het eam. EDUCATI ON 1.Bachel orofEl ement ar yEducat i on Qui r i noSt at eUni ver si t y- 2.Techni calEducat i onandSki l l sDevel opmentAut hor i t y FoodandBever ageSer vi cesNCI I2017 3.Depar t mentofI nf or mat i onandCommuni cat i onTechnol ogy Rur alI mpactSour ci ngTechni calTr ai ni ng2017 WebDevel opment , Bl oggi ng, Gr aphi cDesi gn SKI LLS 1.I CTSki l l sWebDevel opment , gr aphi cdesi gn, soci almedi amar ket i ng, bl oggi ng, cont ent wr i t i ng, Mi cr osof tOf f i ce2010 2.Knowl edgeabl ei nFoodandBever ageSer vi ces Ski r t i ng, r oom andt abl eser vi ces, suggest i vesel l i ng 3.Ot herI nt er estCr ossSt i t chi ng, composi ngst or i es, t r avel l i ng Soci alAct i vi t i es 1.Semi naronSummerKi nder gar t enPr ogr am Qui r i noGener alHi ghSchool , Apr i l2016 2.Regi onalTr ai ni ngofSt udentTeacher s Tuguegar aoCi t y, Cagayan, Oct ober1215, 2013 Per sonalSt r engt hs Iam i nnovat i ve, passi onat e, andal er t .Ihavegoodcommuni cat i onski l l s. CHARACTERREFERENCES 1.VanjD.Padi l l a Di gi t alI nf l uencer , Execut i veDi r ect orofShar eabl eAcademy ht t ps: / / www. f acebook. com/ sear ch/ st r / vanj +padi l l a+i nf l uencer / keywor ds_ sear ch 2.Magdal enaGomez Depar t mentofI nf or mat i onCommuni cat i onTechnol ogy ht t ps: / / www. f acebook. com/ sear ch/ st r / maggi e+gomez/ keywor ds_ sear ch
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