Michał Nowak

Michał Nowak

Front-end developer with high skills in Vue.js / Nuxt.js and React.js / Gatsby.js
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
35 years old
Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
4 years

Hello, I'm Michael and I have pretty good experience with writing websites and applications using Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React.js and Gatsby.js. Here are few examples of my work:

https://motimatic.com/ - a website integrated with Prismic.io CMS through GraphQL API and wrote using Gatsby.js (static pages generator for React,js).

https://www.hauserwirth.com/ - a website integrated with CMS using Nuxt.js (server side rendering framework for Vue,js).

https://designerwardrobe.win/ - a web app integrated with REST API using Nuxt.js.

http://www.tomekolszowski.com/ - a photographer portfolio integrated with Wordpress CMS using Vue.js.

https://rosehill.nyc/ - a Rockefeller developer's group building landing page integrated with Wordpress CMS using Vue.js.

Hopefully we'll have an opportunity to know each other and work on same project :)

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