Saurabh Saket

Saurabh Saket

Diligent Engineer, Serial Entrepreneur,Innovator, Inventor, Out of Box Thinker , Dreamer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
36 years old
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
5 years
Saurabh Saket Male, 30 Years Phone No: -- - E- Mail: --- PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SuMayaCorp Pvt Ltd CEO and Co-Founder Feb 2015-April 2018 1. Developed wearable device to convert hand gesture into voice. Experience Gained- Image Processing , Hardware building and software integration. Tools - C++,Python,Java ,OpenCv, Android Things , Intel Arduino , IoT, ML Synup Digital Pvt Ltd Software Engineer May2014-Feb 2015 1. Listing Automation Wrote Crawlers and Scrapers for 60 sites which automated the data retrieval for a business listing and helped our customers access there information across these top 60 listing sites from a single dashboard Tools Used - Ruby on Rails, Nokogiri, Mechanize, Watir,PostgreSql 2. Pdf and CSV Conversion Developed a Rails app to convert data to pdf or csv format for download by customer. Tools Used - ROR, Prawn, Bangalore Software Engineer Mar 2013-Oct 2013 1. Warehouse Android Application Developed an android application for guiding the personnel in putting away goods at warehouse and synching with the backend server so that the exact location and quantity of goods is known and inventory can be tracked with ease. Tools Used - Eclipse ADT , Java,Sqlite3,ORMLite 2. Liquidation Store Marketplace Website Developed an e-commerce site for to manage and automate manual processing at the internal Liquidation Store. Owned and worked on the project independently with minimal guidance from Engineering and Business Manager. Tools Used - PHP, MySQL, Apache, Eclipse 3. Invoice Digitisation Worked on a project to automate information extraction from invoices which currently is a manual process. Developed software which takes a scanned image as input and extracts text out of it. The text is then parsed to get the desired information. Also developed some a Jar which can be further utilised for any future image processing tasks. It is intended to provide a level of abstraction to the programmers where they can blindly use the functions and get the intended results. Tools Used - Java , JAI for image preparation, Tesseract for character recognition Eclipse PUBLICATIONS 1. Privacy cede for Totalitarian or Open Innovation Society - IIM Lucknow Pan WMC RECOGNITION Awarded Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award 2012 at R J Mathai Centre for Educational Innovation at IIMA by Dr. R Mashelkar, FRS, Former Chairman CSIR and Prof Anil K Gupta, Faculty, IIMA and founder SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) for my innovation "Image and Speech Recognition and Synthesis”. Nominated for Samsung Innovation Quotient Awards 2012. Invited to meet Former President Of India and eminent scientist Honourable Dr A P J Abdul Kalam at a function organised by SRISTI at IIM A. Received words of praise and acknowledgement from him. Got 1st position in 110hrs .Net Training of HCL among 180 Students. Got recommendation and praise from Mr Anil Singh, our instructor.
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