Tom Stoll

Tom Stoll

Polyglot software developer with a background in digital music.
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Hourly ($/hour)
43 years old
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
8 years
Thomas M. Stoll- --- 14521 Hollywood Ave Cleveland, OH 44111 - Software developer with a broad range of experience developing complex projects for artistic and research projects. Strong advocate for functional programming, open source, and the complementary nature of the arts and technology, especially for education. View extensive record of personal coding/research projects at Github and on my personal site, listed above. Experience OCAML/C++ FREELANCE DEVELOPER — 2015-PRESENT OCaml developer working on a complex, evolving set of software tools for a TV/film composer. Responsible for automatic analysis of thousands of audio samples, automated orchestration, mapping of complex scoring data from JSON/MIDI input to audio rendering. POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER, DARTMOUTH COLLEGE - OPENCV/PYTHON —- Research, development, and implementation of ACTION (NEH Grant #HD-) project: visual and audio feature extraction and analysis framework for a corpus of 200+ feature films. Also served as Technical Director of Bregman Music Studio and taught electronic music courses. IOS/ARDUINO/PYTHON FREELANCE DEVELOPER, —- Developer of Arduino and augmented reality (ARIS) software supporting installation work for media artist Stephanie Rothenberg. iOS developer of software for four sound walk compositions for media artist Teri Rueb. Developer of several personal apps—-a synthesizer and sound walk compositions—- using sophisticated sound synthesis and location tracking, as well as more standard functionality. All were successfully published to the App Store. PERSONAL/RESEARCH SOFTWARE, —- Researched, designed, coded, and wrote about several corpus-based audio systems (MaxMSP, Ruby, SuperCollider, Python) as well as a video/image corpus system (ImageDB). All were part of or followed from graduate work in computer music composition. Education University at Buffalo (SUNY) — PhD., Music Composition, 2010. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Bachelor of Music; Computer Science Minor, 2003. Skills OCaml, Clojure/script, Python, Objective-C, C++/OpenFrameworks, OpenCV, sclang (Smalltalk variant), LISP, JS/HTML/CSS. Extensive teaching background, including introductory programming. Excellent written and oral communication, including published papers and conference talks.
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